William Shatner Tweeted "Khaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnn!!!" At Sadiq Khan And London's New Mayor Followed Him Back

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    This weekend Sadiq Khan became the new mayor of London.

    The 1.3 million votes the Labour MP gained are the most ever won by an individual politician in a single election in the UK.

    Khan is the Muslim son of Pakistani immigrants, his father drove a bus, and he grew up on a council estate. His victory over Conservative candidate Zac Goldsmith, the son of a billionaire banker, has been making waves across the world.

    Son of a Pakistani bus driver, champion of workers' rights and human rights, and now Mayor of London. Congrats, @SadiqKhan. -H

    News of Khan's victory has also reached William Shatner, who congratulated him in a way only he could.

    Shortly after, Khan followed Shatner back.

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