Wind Powered Beach Robots

    Kinetic art is art that depends on motion for its effect. Which is a simple enough concept, but in the hands of a skilled artist, these pieces - normally powered by wind or motors - can be pretty breathtaking. Here are a few masterpieces of the genre.

    • 1. The master of Kinetic Art : Theo Jansen

      Wind powered skeletal robot made from cheap plastic tubes and rope.

    • 2. Theo Jansen - Animaris Rhinoceros

      "The Animaris Rhinoceros Transport is a type of animal with a steel skeleton and a polyester skin. It looks as if there is a thick layer of sand coating the animal. It weighes 2 tons and it stands 4.70 meters tall. Because of its height it catches enough wind to start moving."

    • 3. Animaris Rhinoceros Transport

    • 4. Animaris Currens Ventosa waving

    • 5. Kinetic Horse Sculpture

    • 6. Strandbeest

    • 7. Strandbeest 2

    • 8. How it works

    • 9. Sigur ros and Theo Jansen