15 Dogs Who Want This Goddamn Rain To Stop

    Please make it stop.

    1. Look at those eyes...

    2. We all know rain can be depressing.

    3. Some times a scarf and warm cup of coffee just isn't enough.

    4. Wouldn't it be nice if you could just spend the whole day indoors?

    5. All warm and cozy in bed?

    6. Rain coats may look cute...

    7. But you can never be ~too~ protected from water.

    8. Because inevitably – even if you step outside for just a few seconds – you're going to be soaking wet.

    9. And being wet sucks.


    11. "I'm still wet."

    12. Definitely better to stay indoors.

    13. "You want me, to go out there?

    14. Damn this El Niño.

    15. Is it summer yet?