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14 Things You Never Noticed During The Opening Number From "Beauty And The Beast"

Someone is PISSED at the baker.

1. Belle leaves her front door wide open.

2. The woman in pink totally fucks up her cue to enter, then plays it like nothing happened.

3. The Bimbettes have some fierce footwear.

4. And use their boobs to operate the water pump.

5. This dude hella checks out Belle’s ass.

Take a picture, buddy, it'll last longer!

6. There are three dogs in the village.

Ruff! 🐶

7. Speaking of animals, these kids have a pet turtle.

8. This lady looks like she's PISSED at the baker.

9. This guy is wearing a metal pot as a hat.

10. The local fishmonger is selling some stinky-ass fish.

11. And this woman was sold a fish with a cat hanging from it.

12. There are two "hidden Mickeys" in the window of the bookshop.

13. There are actually two different characters wearing wigs during the opening number.

Notice how the dude's orange wig accidentally goes airborne.

14. And this guy is smoking a blunt.