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    Reasons Why Winter Is The Best Time Of Year

    Don't let the weather fool you, here's why the colder months kick Summer's fiery ass...

    You have absolutely zero need to go to the gym - with all the layers you're rocking who's gonna notice that wobbly belly?

    It's the only time of year when having a few extra pounds works in your advantage. Heck, that blubber is practically essential for keeping you warm in the nippy weather

    You can throw out your razor right now. Hairy legs? Nothing a pair of 60 denier tights can't fix

    Don't feel like socialising? Those dark chilly evenings are the perfect excuse stay in and watch TV

    Getting a whole extra hour in bed thanks to the clocks going back...zzz...

    Being able to rock a onesies without fear of judgement

    Having a legit excuse to buy a whole new wardrobe of clothes. (Of course we need 20 bobble hats, it's cold dammit!)

    Christmas and New Years - two weeks off work + fully paid = kerching!

    Delicious seasonal drinks - eggnog, hot chocolate, gingerbread lattes...mmm...don't mind if I do...

    Since we only see roast turkey, chestnuts, mince pies and Christmas pudding but once a year, we might as well eat more of them. Right?

    Getting presents when it's not even your birthday...woo-hoo!

    Beat that Summer!