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    13 Hunks Who Know That Red Pee Is Nbd

    And other important facts about Beeturia

    Beeturia*, y'all: it's real and, for the uninformed, terrifying. But we're here to help.

    Yes ma'am, they may look all pretty and earthy and fresh, but beetroots (let's just call them beets) can wreak some serious freaky deak on your insides.

    You've never had beets and/or your grandma is dead? Cool. Beeturia doesn't care.

    But don't worry! Beeturia's perfectly healthy and totally harmless. Plus, beets are apparently a superfood.

    1) More importantly, this guy is probably beeturic and feels great about it

    2) "Beeturia? Yeah, I probably get that all the time."

    3) "Want a (beet)? The odds (of red pee) are totally in your favor."

    4) Super beeturic over here

    5) "Beeturia, babe—it happens to the best of us."

    6) "Beeturia can't stop me from dirtbiking like a bamf."

    7) "Pink piss? That's as chill as these nice mesh pants."

    8) So beturic.

    9) Body by beets, beeturia by random chance.

    10) "You beeturic? Me too."

    11) Off to find some beets.

    12) "We both experience beeturia!"

    13) "Beeturia—it's real, it's red, and it could happen to you*."

    (Special thanks to the men of Made In Brazil Magazine)