

Evan and Ryan <3 Cats. Circa Survive. Anthony Green. More cats. I like cats. A lot. I wanted to be a bird, they are free and lead such a simple life. Humans could learn a lot about life from birds as I have. It's too bad that there is no hope for us. We're all doomed, even the birds. It's not their fault, in a way everybody is in captivity. Mary.20 DON'T add me just because we live in the same town or went to the same school. Chances are good that I hate you and I think you're a slut. Just saying. I wish I could have been a teenager in the 70's. I wish I could pull off red hair and was 5'5" and way skinnier. I'm an asshole and very cynical. A former vegetarian for four years, I'm hoping to be one again within the next 3 months. I don't sleep much. I listen to music all day and hang out with my baby, Ryan :) He has a big brother, Evan :) I like guys, but my soul mate is another woman, Amanda. She's my other half :) <3 <3 I'm pro life and pro gay marriage. I'm an Atheist, but I'm not a bad person. I believe you should be a good person out of the goodness of your heart, not because you fear God. Anthony Green is my hero. I could sit and listen to his voice all day. I've loved him for 7 years :) Haha, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be where I am without him. I can't go a day without listening to Circa. It's something I have to do. I like cats, picking flowers, good music, concerts, springtime, flowers, picking flowers, gardening, attempting to play keyboard and guitar, IFC, good shows, mind bending books that make you want to sleep with the light on, Hello Kitty, butterflies, ducks, photography, watermelon, Zelda, Wii, tea, water, caramel coffee, That 70's show, Sci-fi stuff, body modification, art, the 90's, meowing, boobs, Red Bull, Keyboard Cat, green, Mindy White's solo stuff, Indie movies, red jackets, working out (I recently started that lol), cardigans, Michael Cera, geeky/nerdy guys in general (Just because you wear black rimmed glasses doesn't make you a geek), V-necks, pugs (the only dogs I like), the zoo ( I feel bad for the animals though :/) Polaroid cameras, fake mustaches, real ones too, I love beardage, Body Harvest, Radiohead, Psych, grammar, dressing up like Gerard Way, history, Victoria's Secret perfumes, spring time, the color green, music stores, cat sweaters (I don't own one yet, but I will), Vodka w/cranberry juice.

Jun 2011
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