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    42 Essential Learnings In 27 Years Of Living

    "I know one thing, that I know nothing"- Socrates

    Socrates once said, "I know one thing, that I know nothing".

    Funny how one of the smartest people didn't know a thing.

    No matter how smart you are, when it comes to life no one really knows a thing about it---but we always learn from mistakes and experiences. And by this we figure things out from there; one step at a time.

    In 27 years of being alive, there are things I've learned, things I wish I had known years ago; unfortunately haven't, but slowly learning.

    Here are some essential lessons from the past years.

    1. Enjoy Small Things

    2. Struggle is Good

    3. Don't Complain

    4. Take More Risks

    5. Lead the Way

    6. Don't Start a Relationship if you are not in love

    7. Be Grateful

    8. Life is the Largest Stage

    9. Never let an argument last

    10. Learn to forgive and forget

    12. Spend some time alone with yourself

    13. Be Nice

    14. Cherish those you love, you'll never know when you'll ever see them again

    15. Those who aren't easiest to love, are the ones who need love the most

    16. Nothing is constant, but change

    17. Every man has their own right to choose their own destiny

    18. Don't blame people

    19. Create, Create, and Create

    20. Looking back in the past is only good for learning; not sulking

    21. Be generous

    22. Do nothing for money, but for passion

    23. "Expect anything worthwhile to take a long time"

    24. Don't judge

    25. Think about others

    26. Your heart is your best compass

    27. Give without expecting anything in return

    28. The secret to happiness is self-acceptance

    29. Don't care what other people think

    30. Remember what your mother taught you, it is from the most sacred place of love that exists.

    31. The truth will set you free

    32. Don't be so hard on yourself

    33. Be yourself, but never be too comfortable

    34. Do one thing at a time

    35. Don't rush

    36. The person with less things, but most experience always wins

    37. Act now!

    38. Be strong, but not rude

    39. Think before you act

    40. Sometimes, being kind is more important than being right

    41. Work Hard

    42. You don't always have to know everything