Senior Politicians Took Selfies With The "Human Ken Doll" And IDEK Where To Start


    Australia's prime minister and two other senior government members got to meet with America's self-dubbed "Human Ken Doll" during party functions last week.

    To understand what's going on here, it's important to know that the "Human Ken Doll" is this guy on the left, Justin Jedlica.

    According to reports, Jedlica has had over 150 plastic surgery procedures, which apparently include "chest implants, shoulder implants, bicep implants, triceps implants, and butt implants".

    Now back to Parliament House. On Budget night politicians host functions and invite guests and donors. This year, Jedlica and some of his pals showed up and took some memorable snaps.

    Of course, the hashtag heavy captions on these photos are also pretty special:

    "The Prime Minister @turnbullmalcolm taking a selfie with our group. #primeMinister #Australia #federalbudget2017 #federalparliament #canberra #MalcolmTurnbull #lovethislife #richkidsofinstagram #richkidsoftoorak #havefun..."

    With regards to #richkidsoftoorak, Toorak is a wealthy suburb of Melbourne.

    The group took a selfie with foreign minister Julie Bishop.

    There was also a photo of Senate president Stephen Parry, which appears to have been taken in one Parliament House's courtyards.

    But there were also sweet photos, with the House's famed art collection being shown off.

    On a different night, Jedlica and someone tagged as "Jayson McNaughton" also got a photo with Bishop at what appears to be the Hyatt Hotel Canberra.

    Jedlica used the hashtag #realhousewivesofcanberra, and excuse me, the foreign minister is not a housewife thank you very much.

    BuzzFeed News has confirmed Jayson McNaughton is a Victorian dentist who has appeared at Parliament House before.

    In fact, McNaughton (left) was with Real Housewives of Melbourne star Gamble Breaux when she showed up at the Budget two years ago.

    The guests were not invited by the prime minister or the foreign minister. Jedlica and McNaughton have not replied to requests for comment.