This Hoverboard Set Fire To A House And What's Left Is Disturbing

    Holy rolling smokes.

    A hoverboard charred to a blackened crisp is being blamed for a dangerous house fire that threatened a family in Melbourne.

    The charred remains of the offending hoverboard. Family lucky to evacuate after the Christmas gift caught fire.

    According to ABC News, the Ibraheim family had bought three hoverboards for their four daughters aged between 8 and 14 for Christmas.

    On Monday one of the hoverboards sparked alight when it was plugged into a powerpoint charging, causing the house fire.

    "We're just grateful it didn't happen while the girls were sleeping in the bedroom," said father Ash Ibraheim, according to ABC News. "It all happened in a matter of eight to 10 minutes."

    Did the hoverboard start the Strathmore house fire? Investigation begins @MFB_NEWS @theheraldsun

    Some Australian states have already made riding hoverboards in public illegal and the Australia Competition and Consumer Commission has issued strong recommendations for consumers to consider before buying the devices.

    In the meantime, here's that hoverboard again.