These Aussie Muslims Have Come Together To Laugh At Online Islamophobia

    "'Do you think it's wise that Jihad is your name?'... Well that's my name."

    A group of Australia's most prominent Muslims has come together to laugh out the most abusive tweets they've received and raise awareness of vicious Islamophobia online.

    View this video on YouTube

    The video includes NSW MPs Dr Mehreen Faruqi and Jihad Dib (below) laughing at some of the more crazy online abuse.

    BuzzFeed News spoke to two of the producers from the Lebanese Muslim Association, Randa Abdel-Fattah and Sara Saleh about why they were compelled to call out the online abuse.

    "We made this video to give people a sense of the racist vitriol we're subjected to. It's the casual, routine way violence is incited, our basic humanity is denied, our loyalties are questioned that stand out," said Abdel-Fattah.

    Sara Saleh said it's been getting a lot worse recently with atrocities in Paris and San Bernandino, with rightwing groups looking for someone to blame.

    "Muslims have been on the receiving end of a torrent of abuse lately, from the everyday 'casual' racist remarks to the intentionally Islamophobic content continually spouted out by rightwing groups," she said.

    "And unfortunately Muslim women in particular are at the forefront of this - attracting all sorts of sexualised, mysoginistic and paternalised online abuse."

    BuzzFeed News asked for some of the ways to deal with the abuse.

    "Screenshot, file, block. That order!" they said.

    "Report any personal threats of violence to the police and hope they take it seriously."

    "It can be quite emotionally and mentally exhausting to have to face this, especially on a daily basis like some of us do. Find support networks!! ('zen' colouring in while sharing racist troll stories has worked for us)."

    They both said humor is key to dealing with the anger and the racism online ;)

    If you're looking for ways to cope, BuzzFeed Staff put together this invaluable list for taking care of yourself in the face of Islamophobia.