Some People Started Freaking Out When Cody Simpson Tweeted About Refugee Boats

    Australia's most followed account just got handed over for a good cause.

    Cody Simpson gave a heads up to his millions of adoring fans last night that his Twitter account would look a little different for the next little while. He'd be giving 7.5 million followers over to Syrian refugee Thair Orfahli.

    Thair's story started with friends in Damascus in Syria.

    Making new friends at the Arab International University in Damascus. #Syria #ShareHumanity -@ThairDamascus

    And laid out how it felt to be in a war torn country.

    #Syria is filled with tension and fighting. I’m not sure what the future holds for me here. #Damascus #ShareHumanity -@ThairDamascus4

    Yesterday a bomb went off in the street near me, wounding lots of people. #ShareHumanity -@ThairDamascus

    Syrian refugees now make up 1 in 4 people in #Lebanon. #ShareHumanity -@ThairDamascus

    I no longer feel safe in Lebanon, a group of us will leave for #Egypt tomorrow. #ShareHumanity -@ThairDamascus

    I’m helping refugees who are struggling with basic needs. @SinaNetwork #ShareHumanity -@ThairDamascus

    I no longer feel safe in Lebanon, a group of us will leave for #Egypt tomorrow. #ShareHumanity -@ThairDamascus

    The security situation in #Egypt is worsening ­ a curfew is now in place. I need to move on. -@ThairDamascus

    Unsurprisingly it stunned quite a few Cody fans who tried to help out. Thail then tweeted from his own account that this was part of a UN campaign. He had made this journey in 2013.

    @Bieberswag994 @CodySimpson mar7aba! Cody is telling my story for UN campaign! that was 2013 in Egypt ! thanks for sharing my journey! Thair

    It didn't take away from the drama playing out on Cody's timeline.

    I no longer feel safe in Lebanon, a group of us will leave for #Egypt tomorrow. #ShareHumanity -@ThairDamascus

    My passport was stolen and I can’t get a new one so I cannot get a visa to stay in #Egypt. #ShareHumanity -@ThairDamascus

    Thair also took time to educate people about what millions were getting away from.

    @AP2099 @CodySimpson ... it's not my fault if my country started to be in the middle of war and millions had to flee.. :( #ShareHumanity

    It’s 2 am can’t sleep. Police were just here at @Amaltikva’s house asking if she is hosting Syrians. #ShareHumanity -@ThairDamascus

    Paid US$2000 for the crossing from Alexandria to Italy. Many don’t make it but I need to take the risk. #ShareHumanity -@ThairDamascus

    Some of the pictures really hit home the harsh reality of being a refugee. Like the perilous journey by boat across the Mediterranean Sea where many people have died in the last 12 months.

    On a boat to Italy w/ 234 other refugees and migrants. Their strength is unbelievable. #ShareHumanity -@ThairDamascus

    It's a poignant view into the petrified world of a Syrian refugee. It also might help many millions of new people get an understanding of the human side of the global refugee crisis.

    I have no passport, no money, and no clothes. Nothing. But I am happy to be alive. #Italy #ShareHumanity -@ThairDamascus