Student Rejects Politician's Apology, Calls It A "Paltering Piece Of Political Spin"

    Calum Thwaites said he hopes to meet Labor MP Terri Butler in person at a defamation trial next year.

    The defamation suit filed against Labor MP Terri Butler continues to rapidly escalate, with student Calum Thwaites rejecting her apology in a fiery six-page response.

    Yesterday, Butler sent an "unreserved apology" to Thwaites, which made clear she had not meant to cast him as a "racist, or a bigot" on Q&A.

    BuzzFeed News has obtained Thwaites's most recent email to Butler, which opens with claims her apology is "a self-serving and paltering piece of political spin". The student says he believes the MP is "unashamed of having besmirched me with your deliberate and gratuitous calumnies".

    Thwaites says Labor "has, until now, always enjoyed my unswerving electoral support", because he has always regarded the party "as 'the good guys' (at least in the comparative sense) when it comes to looking after the down-trodden, the oppressed, and the 'little people'".

    Thwaites ends his email by rejecting Butler's offer to hear the apology in person and expressing hope they next meet at a defamation trial next year.