22 Times Your Body Feels Like The Enemy

    Everyone fights their own personal war.

    1. The defiance of your own body can be true tragedy.

    2. Even when your mind attempts to control it, it doesn't seem to behave.

    3. Your body can be unforgiving, it requires comfort at all times.

    4. It has specific demands, at specific times, and it doesn't justify itself.

    5. And then it will punish you, just for giving it what it craves.

    6. The simplest transgression can have the largest consequences.

    7. Sometimes your legs will not obey the pants you like.

    8. Sometimes your boobs will not conform to the bras you want.

    9. Basically all man-made products are bent on making your body's life difficult.

    10. You body is forced to perform under the scrutiny of endless criticism.

    11. Living up to expectation can often be an uphill battle.

    12. Your body seems to mock you, daring you to sabotage your efforts.

    13. The longer you have it, the more your body seems to confuse you.

    14. The more ornery and demanding it becomes.

    15. It takes up your time, performing all its various functions.

    16. We ask a lot of it and it often comes up short.

    17. Sometimes it seems our bodies aren't cut out for anything we want.

    18. It can feel like you're better off with a different kind of body.

    19. But our bodies give us lovely things we don't even know what to do with.

    20. We learn to accommodate our bodies by learning what works for them.

    21. We try to roll with it when our bodies give us the unexpected.

    22. And embrace when our bodies finally give us moments of relief.

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