13 Illustrations Only People Who Suck At Cooking Can Relate To

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    1. You don't understand people who can just whip together a complicated recipe for a simple occasion.

    2. The idea of it being a fun hobby makes absolutely no sense to you.

    3. It's gotten to the point where your brain has stopped thinking of cooking as an actual possibility.

    4. Even the "easiest" recipes seem to elude you.

    5. You mostly just hide behind the guise of instant foods.

    6. Even as an adult, you haven't been able to come around to the idea of actual cooking yet.

    7. Why spend all the time and energy when the easy stuff tastes just as good?

    8. Cooking always ends up taking way longer than you think it will anyway.

    9. Or you botch things up with a little improvisation.

    10. And baking? Forget it; it's basically science.

    11. Impatience just leads to you eating half of it before you can finish anyway.

    12. Or honestly just eating all of it before you even start.

    13. Better just to stick to the method you know best.

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