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    It's About TIME Women Of Real Sizes Take Over!

    I hear time & time again how Meghan Trainor, Amy Schumer, are losing "respect" from smaller individuals. Well move over Bones.. Curves are coming through!

    Honey, let me correct you.. these are Curves, not FAT!

    Ladies & Gents,

    Sorry Bones, your time has come and gone. To all you smaller figures complaining about how Meghan Trainor's lyrics "stick-figure, silicone Barbie doll[s]", have hurt your feelings.. Well #sorrynotsorry

    I can honestly say, I don't feel that bad. Think about all the women over the years being labeled as "Fat" or "Overweight" due to the fact that they're, not a size ZERO. Which is a cause of many eating disorders. Ladies, today are even humiliated for having cellulite. Which in fact is a thing, that humans, can get sometimes. "Every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top.." -Trainor

    Smaller frames have been on top of the entertainment world long enough. Making women feel bad about themselves for being "too big" or a "plus size" or for having some cookies, while watching OITNB on Netflix. Which is sad because they make cookies, so you can enjoy them. Not for you to feel guilty about eating them afterwards.

    The wonderful & talented Amy Schumer is well known for not having a care in the world, as to what people think about her, especially, when she speaks her mind. (Umm.. Freedom of speech, people). In my opinion her words are fine by me! As to other women, her words don't sit so well with them & amongst my friends. It's even worse.

    Schumer, recently appeared on the Ellen show saying, "I don't fit in here. Just straight-up body type. Like in L.A., my arms register as legs and it's like, 'Why is that octopus out on Sunset?' It's not for me out here … I just sit in my room bawling". As to why women are so offended to what she says truly boggles my mind. Schumer is simply stating the the facts of the entertainment industry. Sorry, not everyone fits into your perfect body type. To those who have smaller figures, I'm not bashing you. I know there are some ladies out there, even a few of my sisters, who have a natural small frame. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I just want you to come to realize, that you are only getting a little taste of what women with curves have been dealing with for year and years.

    Bottom line, everyone; men, women, and young girls of all sizes should be praising these women. For embracing & advertising, curvy, full figured women! Schumer and Trainor, have given a new outlook on life, to those people, who are of the curvy body type. Even if they lost weight, not suggesting that anyone needs too, they still wouldn't be on any, Victoria Secret runway. Now that's sad.

    However, these ladies show you that you don't need to be small, to be a lead in a romantic comedy, Schumer in "Trainwreck" or a size zero to have #1 Hits, Trainor -"All about that bass". Strive to be confident in your own skin! There are many more celebrities who've rocked & embraced their natural body types; Melissa McCarthy, Jennifer Lawrence, Elle King, Tyra Banks,.. are some to name a few.

    So embrace those curves ladies! Walk your own runway, everyday! Be YOUR Beautiful! Xo.

    "ZERO is NOT a SIZE!" Thank you OTH for always keeping it REAL!