9 Reasons January Is So Shit

    In case you hadn't noticed, it's January. Here is everything you hate about it.

    1. The Weather

    2. The Office

    3. Your Life

    You resolve to do things differently this year. Join the gym. Delete Tinder. Eat more avocado. But it's still your life, and it's still shit.

    4. There Is Literally Nothing Left To Watch

    5. The Mornings

    It's 7am. Your alarm kills the mood like a creepy uncle. It's so dark outside you could leave the house naked and no one would notice. Maybe you will. MAYBE YOU WILL.

    6. The Afternoons

    7. The Diets

    8. The General Sense Of Time Passing

    How is it January again? Why aren't you a millionaire yet? What even happened last year?

    9. The Journalism