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    12 Pictures Of Dogs In Costumes For Anyone Who Is Stressed Out

    Beware, dog lovers

    1. This walrus looking at you pretty confused

    2. The look of dignity...maybe embarrassment



    5. There’s something strange, in the neighborhood...Who ya gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS

    6. Little mermaid in all her fabulousness.

    7. Everyone's favorite Emoji

    8. The smallest sheep in the world

    9. This dog probably hates holidays...

    10. Panda corgi is not impressed

    11. "Make it stop”

    12. This is truly one sexy beast

    13. OMG I'M A CUPCAKE!

    14. A super chill dog looking at the horizon

    15. Unamused lobster

    16. Last, but not least…

    Dogs fix EVERYTHING.