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    We Have To Stop

    An essay about the current state of our nation as told by a 22 year old.

    Throughout my short life, I have become accustomed to mass shootings. Read it again.

    I live in a country that boasts freedoms of all kinds, an endless liberty. We drill it into the heads of every individual on Earth as propaganda, come join us in the Land of Freedom. And then we turn around and allow you to be persecuted for those freedoms. We turn around and allow you to be murdered for having taken the freedoms which we so passionately offered.

    Come to America where you will experience religious freedom- except if you're Muslim. Except if you're not Christian. Don't forget to pledge allegiance to OUR god at public school and if you don't we must assume you hate America. It's the pledge of ALLEGIANCE.

    The mass murders begin and you cry out for justice. Why are we letting them kill you? Why are we selling them weapons? BECAUSE WE WANT GUNS. IT'S OUR RIGHT.

    When it comes to guns, you can't take our rights.

    But if you ask to use the bathroom that you identify with, you don't have the right.

    If you ask to marry the person you love, you don't have the right.

    If your men ask for family leave so they can do their part in raising their kids, they don't have the right.

    If your women ask for equal pay, they don't have the right.

    If your children ask for free and equal education to have a successful life and one day become assets to a great American society, they don't have the right.

    If your minorities ask for social, economic and political equality, they don't have the right.

    We care about our rights, but not about yours. We care about the true Americans who boasted about America's superiority over other countries. The Americans who encouraged immigration to add to the melting pot. The Americans who told you to come and then hated you when you did.

    The Americans who let it go on for so long, that I could mark my life by mass shootings instead of years.

    I am so tired. We have to stop.