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    Relatable Bumblebee Comics For Every Situation

    Tumblr user floccinaucinihilipilification created the most relatable insect comic. Yet another reason to save the bees. Also, check out her other comics at

    This bee knows just how you feel when you get a bad haircut

    Here, they understand how you feel when your story has no punchline

    This bee relates to your new cat friendship

    This bee gets why you don't wear new clothes in public

    This bumblebee realizes what happens when you leave your friends

    This bee understands why you can never go to that restaurant again

    Bumblebee knows exactly what you mean when you say you're afraid of scary movies

    This bee gets why you hate packing

    This bee knows why you keep your funny vids to yourself

    The bumblebee gets why you actually didn't like your english teacher

    Finally, this bee deals with responsibilities exactly how you do