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    Celebrate The Season With This Origami Advent Calendar

    A treat for every day in December!


    Patterned cardstock paper (1, 2, 3)

    Box template (below)



    Hole punch


    Scotch tape


    1. Cut out the four-pointed star shape from provided net.

    2. Using the ruler as a guide, fold the round edges of the shape and the inner square to make four triangles surrounding a square.

    3. Hole-punch the corners. This will be where the ribbon is threaded through.

    4. Wrap the ends of the ribbon in tape for easier threading.

    5. Thread ribbons in to out on one corner, then out to in the next. Take each of the ends and thread through in to out on each corner.

    6. Pull and tie into a ribbon. Cut off excess ribbon. Tie another ribbon around the first ribbon to hang on a Christmas tree.

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