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    Man, Woman, Or Other? Gender Is No Longer A Binary System

    It is socially expected to either identify as either a man or a woman-- or at least that's how it used to be. Recently, society has been more open to other categorizations of gender. There are other options besides just man or woman to choose from that are publicly recognized.

    1. Gender is a socially constructed concept.

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    Gender identities is based on what society deems it to be. We come up with these labels based on what traits we associate with biological sexes. Since most people biologically fit into two main categories, male or female, society has tried to fit people into two gender categories, man or woman, as well. However, we see that gender changes depending on what culture you are a part of and changed throughout history. “Gender varies dramatically across societies and throughout human history.” Social scientist have done studies that show that gender is considered something people experience rather than something they actively do. Often we see "culturally dominant normalizations" of gender. There are many different approaches to thinking about different issues of gender and sex.

    Simonds, Candice, and Paula Brush. "Gender." Encyclopedia of Social Theory. 2005. 305-308. Print.

    2. New categorizations of gender identity are continuously being added to our language.

    3. Media outlets are starting to use multiple gender-identities besides male and female.

    4. Increased presence of the LGBT community on college campuses has brought campus change.

    5. The mythical norm is still a myth.

    Many people have felt the pressure of a "mythical norm." This norm is typically defined as "white, thin, male, young, heterosexual, christian, and financially secure" (Lorde p.116). Although here Lorde is talking about gender equality, not gender identity, her teachings are applicable. For years there has been the "norm" of being either a man or a woman without another option. Just like the movement towards gender equality, gender identity has become a well known issue and is not seen as deviant anymore. Just how today there is no longer a "mythical norm" to be a heterosexual, white male gender identities are more open in society. Gender identity sensitivity is also becoming a concern. Research studies are working on becoming more sensitive to gender identities outside of the binary (Bauerand Wayne). This is a big step in society and shows that the "mythical norm" is no longer a societal norm.

    Bauer, Greta R., and Linda D. Wayne. "Cultural Sensitivity and Research Involving Sexual Minorities." Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health: 45-47. Web. 18 Apr. 2015. .

    Anzaldua, Gloria. "Towards a New Consciousness." Borderlands: The New Mestiza. Print.

    6. The notion of what "gender" actually is is changing.