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    We're Late On This Beautiful Father-Daughter Duo

    They're happy & nappy. And I'm Jealous.

    If you're like me, you are a 21 year old African-American female, trying to find your place in this world of political, emotional, and physical unrest.

    If you're really like me, you can't worry about all that right now, because today is the 3rd Saturday of the month, aka "the day the world stands still" aka Wash Day.

    BUT, even if you're nothing like me, you can still surely appreciate the Natural Hair movement, which has taken us by storm for the last five years. A movement that has consistently empowered kinky, curly, twirly girls of all walks of life, to fall in love with their hair, just as He intended.

    And of course, all hail...

    Though I wholeheartedly believe this party is long overdo, I wasn't ready for this amazing father-daughter duo to show up in attendance.


    Everyone, if you have been living under a rock as I have, it gives me great joy to introduce you to Benny Harlem and his beautiful six-year old daughter, Jaxyn.

    Stationed in Beverly Hills, Benny Harlem is an artist, singer-songwriter, model, and now, obviously, t̶h̶e̶l̶o̶v̶e̶o̶f̶m̶y̶l̶i̶f̶e̶ my new hair goals. Above all that, Harlem is first and foremost a father to his baby girl.

    If you're wondering about their hair routine, because *duh* you should be, tough break kids– Harlem hasn't yet commented on said topic, so now I'm left searching for this magic like it's a Hallow, because Dumbledore left me so unprepared.

    However, in a recent interview with "xoNecole," Harlem stated that the family does use a special kind of shampoo... but they make it themselves:

    I look at our hair like a plant. Most plants need natural ingredients to grow and stay alive, and honestly, our souls and our bodies need the same thing.In my family, we make our own shampoo, just as we take the time to make our own meals. It's just a discipline.

    In said interview, Harlem also exposes the life lessons and ideals he hopes to pass on to Jaxyn, the most important being that she love herself, naturally, above all.

    I've completely maxed out the amount of times I can sanely write #goals–

    But that doesn't mean y'all have to stop.

    To read the full interview clicky here , and be sure to follow Benny and all his amazing endeavors via IG and Twitter.