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    What I Think About Kim Kardashian's "Signature" Braids

    So, lately, I have seen some interesting pictures of Kim Kardashian working a new hairstyle. And now I see more people around me at my school wearing the same hairstyle. But I don't think that it is so original.

    But I know that I have seen this hairstyle somewhere before.

    Like I know that I have seen this kind of hairstyle somewhere.

    It's almost as if this hairstyle has already been done by a whole group of individuals and Kim is just taking it and claiming it as a "new" fashion statement

    There have been many times this year where people have accused others of cultural appopriation, or the adoption of elements of one culture by members of a different cultural group, especially if the adoption is of an oppressed people's cultural elements by members of the dominant culture.

    There are have been many incidents where people have cried cultural appropriation, like when Kylie Jenner wore cornrows and Miley Cyrus wearing dreads at the MTV Awards. The problem with cultural appropriation is that it is taking away elements of other people's cultures who have been oppressed by the same people who are appropriating their culture. Many say it is a way of appreciation, but you can appreciate the culture without just picking and choosing small parts of it that you find cute or fashionable. Because for some reason people find it unattractive when those of that culture sport their own cultures attributes, but when people not of that culture sport it, it is seen as fashionable and cute.

    There are countless times where fashion has had faux pas. That moment when Zendaya was sporting braids on the red carpet and Giuliana Rancic made a negative comment about it.

    Zendaya's Response to Giuliana's comments on her hair

    And Black Twitter let her have it

    Even with things that happen, there is a lot of cultural appropriation that happens more than we think. Like Beyonce in Coldplay's music video "Hymn for the Weekend"

    Many people were extremely upset over Beyonce and Coldplay's song

    "I find it annoying," adds local musician Mihir Joshi, who says the video misrepresents India.

    "Coldplay came to India, they've seen the kind of people we have. India has young, educated, affluent, good looking people as well." He says it would have been nice to see them included.

    But popular Bollywood actor, Sonam Kapoor, who appears in the video, doesn't agree with the chatter of cultural appropriation. She says what they show does exist in India.

    "We as Indians use a lot of westernization in our films and our music videos. No one speaks of us offending other people's sensibilities," Kapoor says.

    Here is the Buzzfeed Blue video with Indians reacting to Hymn For The Weekend

    Here is another video done by Amandla Stenberg about appropriating black culture