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    9 Reasons Why Systemic Racism Is American Genocide

    The international crime of Genocide has been defined by the U.N. “Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide” as any of a number of acts “committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group.” This includes killing, inflicting bodily and psychological harm, inflicting conditions of life intended to bring about the group’s demise, and forcibly removing the victim group’s children, among other crimes. Besides fitting the very definition of genocide, there are eerie similarities between systemic racism in America and other Genocides such as the Holocaust, the Armenian Genocide, and the Rwandan Genocide. Here are 9 reasons why Systemic Racism is American Genocide:

    1. Projection of Fear

    2. Use of Police and Military Force

    3. Inflicting Conditions of Life Intended to Bring About a Group’s Demise and Forcibly Removing Victim Group's Children

    4. Hateful Rhetoric and the Media's Role

    5. Killings Didn't Take Place All at Once, but have Been Extended Over a Period of Time

    6. Inexplicable Cruelty

    7. Whistleblowers are Punished

    8. Further Projections of Fear Against the Targeted Victim Group

    9. The Rewriting of History and Collective Denial