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26 Totally Awesome Products That Will Make Your Life More Fun

Everyone needs stuff...why not have stuff that will make you smile?

1. A teeny tiny set of drums to play at your desk.

2. A mug you can build on.

3. And a mug for people who want to practice their putting.

4. A duvet cover you can doodle on.

5. And a pillow you can use as a notepad.

6. Duster slippers to make cleaning feel like less of a chore.

7. A cheery gadget that will de-pit your cherries with a chomp.

8. A nightlight that's also a Rubik's Cube.

9. And a nightlight you can restack each evening.

10. A pen that lets you doodle in 3D.

11. A pair of magical wands to season your food.

12. A rug that'll let you bring your hopscotch game indoors.

13. A sword-style flyswatter to make pest termination much more knightly.

14. A gang of gnomes to keep your wine stoppered.

15. A sponge microphone for shower serenades.

16. A press that turns plain ol' pieces of bread into adorable panda pouches.

17. A quirky creature that'll clean off your smudgy phone screen.

Why would you wipe your phone off on your pants when you could wipe it with one of these reusable cuties?

Price: $2.90

18. A picture frame that will help you discover what your daughter would look like with a beard.

19. A grater for wannabe DJs.

20. A pair of slippers that will turn you into a Hobbit.

21. A monkey who'll dry off your nails for you.

22. A "tortilla" to protect your camera lens.

23. Toothpicks that will turn your hors d'oeuvres into the life of the party.

24. A stress ball that looks like a doughnut.

If this doesn't help relieve your stress, go buy a doughnut and eat it. That'll work.

Price: $9.99

25. An egg mold for cat lovers.

26. And a professional bubble machine.

They advertise it as being for weddings and special events...but why not just run the thing on a daily basis? Bubbles are the best!

Price: $36.99

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