We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    28 Cleaning Products You May Not Have Thought To Buy Until Adulthood

    Time makes us wiser. Finally being old enough to want a clean apartment helps.

    1. A three-pack of antibacterial paper soap sheets (300 sheets in all!) so you can be sure there's soap ~handy~ wherever you go, despite how often you find empty soap containers in public bathrooms. 

    product packaging
    reviewer with soapy hands after paper dissolved in warm water

    Promising review: "I bought these to put into my bag/pocket to carry around just in case. Sometimes public restrooms do not have soap and that is extremely inconvenient. These come in super handy! One sheet is definitely enough for me and it’s so cool to watch it turn from a dry sheet of paper into sudsy soap with water added. I 100% recommend." —mammothemeerkat

    Get them from Amazon for $11.99 (available in 17 pack styles/sizes).

    2. A pack of nine non-scratch sponges, because you're learning that not all sponges are created equal. Don't ruin your best kitchen tools while cleaning them! 

    Promising reviews: "This is pretty much all I use with dishes. I find that this sponge is usually the perfect gentleness/roughness for washing dishes by hand. It's always an exciting day when I can pull out a new sponge from the Scotch-Brite sponge bag and throw away the old one. It would be nice to have a dishwasher, but these sponges are less expensive and more fun!" —MAW

    Get them from Amazon for $8.82.

    3. A power drill scrubber brush set with such dazzling results you're gonna wanna clean with these ALL. THE. TIME. 

    Reviewer using the brush to clean grime out of a tub
    one of the brushes attached to a drill next to a shower pane with half still fogged up and the other super clear

    Promising review: "So I kept seeing this item on TikTok and thought, 'heck, why not?' I love this item for deep cleaning, whether it's car mats, shoes, or the shower." —A. Givens

    Get it from Amazon for $18.95 (available in six styles).

    4. A mattress vacuum that'll break up (and SUCK up) dust and dirt lodged inside your mattress, removing annoying pills that are itchy and less than lovely. If you haven't cleaned your mattress in a while, grab this thing before the bed bugs really DO bite. 

    Reviewer holding the filter, which is covered in dust
    Reviewer photo of two large chunks of dust and debris that the vacuum removed from the mattress

    Promising review: "So I brought this for originally for my son who gets really bad allergies to dust. At first we didn't know what was causing this until someone told me to check our beds and furniture. Even though we change our bed sheets regularly, there will be dust left over. So I decided to give this a try and they were right! I couldn't believe much mites and dust there are. I took my time cleaning everyone's bed and our sofa, which was easy to use and light. My son haven't had a reaction in a while for means this product works for my family!" —Lisa

    Get it from Amazon for $84.99+ (clip the $15 coupon on the product page to get this price; available in two colors).

    5. An instant stain remover spray — this formula removes deep-set, below-the-surface stains. It's sure to feel oh-so-satisfying once they are washed off. 

    Reviewer's mold-covered white patio chair before using the stain remover spray
    Reviewer's same patio chair free from mold stains after using the instant mold and mildew stain remover spray

    Promising review: "I have a small three-tier water fountain in my patio, naturally the birds in the community have come to rely upon it for drinking and bathing. I literally sprayed this product and walked away, I actually left it on overnight, I got busy with other tasks. When I checked back all of the mold was gone, everything, with no damage to the painted stucco wall or cement and no scrubbing. Literally spray and leave." —Mark

    Get it from Amazon for $16.99+ (available in two sizes and a multipack).

    6. An EasyWring microfiber spin mop that'll clean your floors so well you'll be dizzy from the dazzling results. 

    reviewer using foot-operated peddle to wring microfiber mop
    reviewer image using the mop to clean the floor

    Promising review: "I had had it with my broken basic mop and bucket. I tried to just get a dollar store Swiffer to get us by, but that wasn't cutting it at all. With three boys and a dog who makes his rounds on all the furniture and every exposed corner, I had to do something. After seeing a TikTok where a woman demonstrated this mop to clean her walls, and hearing my boss raving about it, I decided to click the Amazon button. Let me tell you, I HATE cleaning, I HATE mopping, but I LOVE for things to be clean. I was able to mop the entire house TWICE (Because it was that dirty. Please don't judge.) within an hour. A few days later I mopped the entire house again within 10 minutes because they weren't quite as dirty. On another positive note, my boys love the spinner and think it’s a toy! So, every time I get the bucket out my 10-year-old and 4-year-old ask to mop the house because they think it’s fun. MAJOR BONUS!" —Molly

    Get it from Amazon for $34.97

    7. hairbrush cleaning tool so you can avoid brushing your hair with a hair-and-dust-covered brush. Once strands of hair have left our heads they are quite a fright. Just ask your shower drain.

    a reviewer photo of a square brush with lots of hair in it
    a reviewer photo of the same brush with all the hair removed

    Promising review: "This is the tool I never knew I needed. It may seem like a silly thing to spend money on when you can clean your brush out by hand but this gets so much more out of the brush! It's easy and rather enjoyable. Who wants to brush their nice clean hair with a brush full of dirty oily hair and dust. When you really think about it makes you want to throw out all your old brushes. I will be buying these as gifts for all my girlfriends." —emmaline

    Get it from Amazon for $11.95.

    8. A bleach-free weekly shower spray — this both cleans your shower *and* prevents soap scum buildup in the future. Once a week you'll spray this in the shower before bed, go snooze, wash it off in the A.M. and then your shower will be shining, shimmering, and splendid. 

    a model using the shower cleaner in a wet shower
    a reviewer photo of a sparkling clean shower with glass doors

    Promising review: "Life-changing!! This stuff is AMAZING!!! It cleaned my shower so well and the build-up stayed gone for over a week (forgot to do it at the one week mark)" —ashley

    Get it from Amazon for $20.98+ (available in two scents and multipacks). 

    9. bagless, touchless stationary vacuum so you can throw that dust pan in the GARBAGE where it belongs. You will no longer bend and snap every time you sweep. 

    the gray and black bagless, touchless vacuum on a tiled floor next to broom
    GIF of reviewer sweeping dust into bagless vacuum

    Promising review: "Saw it on TikTok and knew I had to have one. I hate cleaning but get annoyed with the clumps of dog hair and bits of things on my kitchen floor. I usually just vacuum my tile with the vacuum, which is a pain. This thing is so easy to just sweep things into and it sucks them right up. Sure, it's more expensive than my actual vacuum, but I've only had it three days and have used it two times." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $149+ (available in six colors).

    10. A foaming garbage disposal cleaner to clean out your rental's sink before your landlord decides to dispose of your deposit.

    blue foaming cleanser pushing its way out of the sink drain

    Promising review: "Saw on TikTok (don’t judge) and automatically added to cart. So easy to use, takes probably a minute to fully bubble up and clean, and you’re left with a clean sink! I use with other drain cleaning products, but would 100% recommend for weekly maintenance." —Jessica Hamilton

    Get a four-pack from Amazon for $3.78.

    11. A broom and mop organizer sure to organize your yard tools so well, you might actually be able to fit your car in the garage for once.

    Promising review: "Holds better than any rack I've had. Nothing falls off and the hooks are a welcome addition for holding the small items. This is my second one, as I liked the first one so well." —Jami Wallis

    Get it from Amazon for $14.97 (available in four colors and multipacks).

    12. An Oxo brush set — this includes two brushes (one big and one small) so your grout and appliances look pristine even under a magnifying glass. 

    reviewer holding two pen-sized brushes
    A reviewer photo of a tile floor with half the floor switch stained grout and the other half looking clean

    Promising review: "These are magical! I've tried toothbrushes, sponges, rags, scrubbies, and everything to clean my nasty bathtub grout and these brushes worked better than all of them combined. I have arthritis and these are easy to grip and use for the duration of cleaning. They're very effective at lifting up the mold and mildew, as well as cleaning the soap scum and hard water lines. I used the littlest brush to clean around the fixtures on my bathroom sink and now it's sparkling. I'm so happy with these!" —BrooklynBeaches

    Get it from Amazon for $8.99.

    13. ChomChom pet hair remover roller that'll pick up fur and lock it inside the roller so that cleanup is a breeze and it doesn't lose its effectiveness with heavy use. We love our pets but woof, shedding is their greatest skill. 

    GIF of reviewer using the chom chom roller to remove fur from a couch
    reviewer image of a chom chom roller open to reveal all the collected pet hair inside

    Promising review: "I have a golden retriever and the shedding is out of control. My fabric sofa is constantly covered in hair and I finally decided to try this after reading an article about popular TikTok products. The reviews do not lie, this thing works magic!! I wish I had taken a before and after picture because the difference is noticeable. I watched the video tutorial before I tried it to ensure I was using it properly and everything he says is true, you do really have to put your arm to work with vigorous back and forth movement! However I find it's a great arm workout and it works wonders." —Joanne Ertel

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99

    14. A bottle of Folex Instant Carpet Stain Remover — this water-based cleaning spray is designed to dissolve ink, grease, dirt, pet stains, food, coffee, and even wine. So go ahead, get messy. 

    red salsa all over carpeted stairs
    the same stairs now stain and salsa free

    Check out this TikTok of the Folex Carpet Spot Remover to see it in action! 

    Promising review: “There are products that you love and buy again. And then there are products that you love and can’t live without. And then above that, are a few select products that you revere and hold with the highest honor. Folex is that product. I have used Folex for years and it works wonders on everything from spilt coffee, wine, and dog messes, without any chemical smells or residue. But my love for Folex grew so much deeper when I dropped a 32-ounce jar of salsa down the stairs. My husband took one look and declared that the stairs were ruined and would need to be replaced. I took a look, grabbed the Folex and said, 'We’ve got this.' If you have children, pets or are very clumsy with your canned goods, you need this bulk-size jug in your arsenal of cleaning supplies.” —Carobnty

    Get two bottles from Amazon for $6.65+ (also available in a three-pack).

    15. A pack of stain-removing, nontoxic cleaning cups for cleaning out your Keurig's innards once your coffee starts tasting a little less bold and a little more bleh. 

    Promising review: "I had no idea that cleaning a Keurig was a thing. I bought these because I saw them on TikTok, believe it or not. I wanted to give it a go because my Keurig isn’t that old and I didn’t think it would do anything. IT WORKS SO WELL! My Keurig wasn’t as nasty as some I’ve seen, lucky. I would highly recommend, keeps everything running correctly and clean." —Lauren

    Get a set of six from Amazon for $9.95.

    16. A set of microfiber cloths that'll provide a 100% lint- and streak-free finish, because what's the point of cleaning clear surfaces if you're stuck with streaks after all your hard work? Thanks to these, that'll never be the case again. 

    a reviewer wiping a surface with one of the cloths
    a reviewer photo of a foggy glass lampshade
    a reviewer photo of the same lampshade now clear

    They're great for windows or any glassware, too!

    Promising review: "I couldn't get my windows clean using cleaning solution, newsprint, and a lot of elbow grease. There were always streaks and dirt left behind. Enter these things. One quick cleaning, and I do mean quick, and my windows are now cleaner than any windows I've ever cleaned. It's simply amazing. We were all standing around in utter shock and delight before running around trying the cloths on other stuff: the TV, the picture glass, etc. I know it sounds corny, but I couldn't wait to get up this morning, because I woke up in the middle of the night excitedly thinking about trying it on the car today. They are truly, truly amazing." —Xena the Warrior Mama

    Get a pack of eight from Amazon for $16.98.

    17. An overnight tank cleaner can make your toilet tank clean as can be while *you* enjoy a snooze. Catch some ZZZs and wake up to a task that's completely taken care of.

    Promising review: "According to the instructions I was supposed to use the whole bottle but being that it was so big and that I had two toilets to clean, I only used half. I was pleasantly surprised. The toilet tank is from the 1960s and I doubt it's been cleaned within the last few decades. In the 'after' photo you can see that there is still some rust left over but large chunks fell off the sides and can be seen on the bottom of the tank." —Nicole

    Get it from Amazon for $8.99.

    18. A handheld allergen vacuum with a sanitizing UV light and bacteria-blasting steam-free heat technology. With this, you'll *finally* make vacuuming curtains and upholstery a simple situation. Your upright vacuum could never.

    person cleaning a throw blanket with the plugged in vacuum
    reviewer's sofa cushion covered in dust
    the same cushion after using the vacuum, now clean and clearly more vibrant

    Promising review: "I used this on my 9-year-old mattress...I'm not a slob, I wash my sheets and mattress protector weekly. I recently noticed I have a dust mite allergy Wow did this vac pull out some of that gray powder: dead skin, mite poop, mite parts. I was surprised how much it pulled out of the mattress. I probably spent a good 30 minutes with double to triple passes on the mattress while also cleaning the carpet around bed as well as my pillow." —M. Cassie

    Get it from Amazon for $269.99.

    19. A drip dry cleaner so you can get your chandelier shining with just a spritz of spray. There's no need to take the dang thing down and clean each individual crystal any longer! The future is now.

    A review image of a modern chandelier with large, cloudy glass panels
    The same chandelier after using this cleaning spray, the panels are now considerably brighter and no longer cloudy

    Promising review: "This stuff is incredible. There's no smell, it's a super easy application, and it gives instant results. You could see the dirt dripping down the chandelier...gross. I will definitely be buying this again. I recommend putting plastic underneath with a sheet or paper towels on top to absorb the drip. I’ve attached before and after one application photos (seen above)." —kmw

    Get it from Amazon for $22.89.

    20. A scratch-free scraper that'll safely tidy up the little, dirty details around your more fragile fixtures. 

    You can scrape off grime, grease, labels, stickers, dried-up food, candle wax, and so much more!

    Promising review: "This is the greatest cleaning tool invented! I love it! I had tried every tip to get rid of the hard-water buildup around my sinks and this little gizmo gets rid of it in a breeze. Everyone should have one. So simple and so brilliant." —Debra J.

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $11.99.

    21. A microfiber dusting glove, because microfiber is the very best material to use when picking up pesky dust particles, and you're gonna see why when you use this! Whoever thought to turn a cleaning cloth into a glove is a true genius.

    Person wearing glove and cleaning blinds between their fingers
    Reviewer with glove covered in dust after cleaning

    Promising review: "Do you hate having to dust around things? I know I do. This glove is ideal — you can just wipe away dust while easily maneuvering around odds and ends in your way. Because it’s your own hand inside the glove it’s also easy to maneuver over oddly shaped things like silk plants or blinds. I absolutely recommend this!" —Katherine Wise

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99 (available in two styles).

    22. A length-adjustable pet hair broom can pull the years of hidden fur your vacuum never grabs (no matter how many times you plug in that clunker and run it over the carpet).

    a reviewer photo of the broom laying on a rug next to a pile of hair and text reading
    a reviewer photo of a door mat covered in pet hair on the left side, and cleared of hair on the right side
    Emma Lord / BuzzFeed, www.amazon.com

    Want more info? Check out my coworker's FURemover Evrilholder broom review. You'll learn a thing or two AND enjoy some very satisfying hair-removal photos!

    Promising review: "I saw this on TikTok and thought it was worth a shot. I have two dogs and a cat, and being one with a dust and dander allergy I have to vacuum often but the vacuum can’t always get in deep enough. This actually works and I was shocked at how well it does. I brush the carpet a few times and vacuum it up and the carpet even looks better!! I highly recommend this to everyone- especially pet owners." —Theo Ackerman

    Get it from Amazon for $16.99.

    23. Goo Gone kitchen degreaser that'll rid surfaces of those sticky, gross, and stubborn residues you've honestly just grown to accept as part of your appliances at this point. It's time to solve that problem.

    A reviewer before photo of stains on a bathroom wall
    A reviewer after photo of the bathroom wall with no stains

    Safe for use on tile, ceramic and sealed stone surfaces *and* even safe for food prep areas!

    Promising review: "The tops of my cupboards had been cleaned maybe once in 15 years. They were disgusting with grease and dust that I thought I’d never get off. Goo Gone Kitchen Degreaser worked a miracle for me! The cupboard that was directly above the oven took some elbow work, and all others were as simple as spray, and wipe. The tops of my cupboards look new again!" —JC

    Get it from Amazon for $11.88.

    24. A dryer lint brush — this is gonna grab all the gunk your favorite (shedding) sweaters leave behind.

    Promising review: "Works perfectly for scrubbing the stuck lint out of the insides of your dryer. Everyone who owns a dryer should have one of these. They're basic safety equipment. Clean that lint, and reduce fire hazard and make the machine more efficient. They're long enough, strong enough, and just flexible enough without being too flexible." —Winged Wolf

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $8.95.

    25. Scrubbing Bubbles toilet cleaning stamp that'll polish your toilet without you ever having to touch a dirty toilet brush. With each flush, the stamp releases the cleaning gel, which foams and cleans your toilet.

    Gif of a hand stamping the gel in a toilet, the toilet flushing, and arrows showing how the gel is able to clean the bowl
    A hand stamping the circle of gel in the toilet
    Scrubbing Bubbles / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ie8Pubca84E, Scrubbing Bubbles

    Promising review: "I was sooo skeptical and confused about how they’d work but the gel solidifies and with every flush, suds wash through with the water and it really makes a fresh difference. Also the scent is light but really nice and fresh! I recommend these 100%! They’re super interesting but they do the job." —Janet

    Get six stamps from Amazon for $4.99.

    26. A cooktop-cleaning kit for times when your kitchen is so messy you're worried it'd be a fire hazard to make anything fancier than a sandwich. 

    This set comes with a 10-ounce bottle of cooktop cleaner, one cleaning pad, and one scraper.

    Promising review: "As soon as I used this stuff, I couldn't believe it! We had a new stove that I didn't clean for months and assumed the burnt pea juice (my enemy) would just be a new stain forever. However, after one application, it was basically gone. I used the scraper that came with it and did one more small application on just that spot, and it was gone! Every time I use this it looks like my stove could be brand new." —Christi Lambertson

    Get it from Amazon for $14.68.

    27. A box of washing machine cleaning tablets to dissolve residue and make your washing machine actually smell fresh, which is a big deal when you haven't washed your machine since...you bought it.

    Reviewer's machine
    Reviewer holding a paper towel after wiping the visible muck washed out of the machine

    Promising review: "Our new LG washer gets a stinky smell every so often so I bought these tabs. I put one in a month on the clean tub setting and it eliminates the odor. I just made a T-chart with a permanent marker on the box for the months and add an X when I put the tab in for the month. This way I don't miss a month and my washer runs great." —akkeber

    Get a pack of six from Amazon for $11.95 (also available in packs of five).

    28. And finally, a snail soap dispenser you can keep in your entryway for guests to use as they walk in. Don't be sluggish about keeping your home free of germs — just make sure this silly thing is front and center and everyone will wanna use it! 

    one hand pushing the snail shell while other hand gets soap from the snail head
    reviewer's minimalist snail soap dispenser on display table with figurine and plant

    Promising review: "We named him Herbie; we use him for hand sanitizer, and he’s absolutely wonderful!!" —G.

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in multiple colors/styles).

    Me yelling at everyone who will listen after I buy these practical products: