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    21 Things You'll Never Forget About Your Childhood Summers In Egypt

    Dad, can I have LE 5 to buy Chipsy downstairs?

    1. Learning how to drink soda really, really fast

    2. Taking the Superjet to Alexandria

    3. Riding four-wheelers in the desert or on the beach at sunset... or even better, at night!

    4. Sneaking out to smoke shisha with your cousins.

    5. Sitting at the nady for hours

    6. The first crunchy bite of freshly fried tamiya

    7. Waking up to street vendors screaming "Halawaaaaa Teeeeennnnnn"

    8. Taking naps

    9. Kebab, lemon & pepper, and ketchup-flavored Chipsy

    10. Being quiet in the taxi

    11. Getting really, really excited when there was anything in English on TV

    12. Having to walk up the staircase when the power (and elevator) was out.

    13. Getting to go to Hurghada or Sharm el Sheikh for a week or two

    14. Going to the Internet cafe

    15. Finding weird translations in menus, signs, etc.

    16. Mo'men!

    17. The fact that you can get anything delivered

    18. Hearing the same summer hits over and over again

    19. Hanging out with a million cousins

    20. Walking around and around and around the mall

    21. How welcoming, safe and vibrant Egypt was...