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21 Old-Timey Beauty Ingredients That Will Freak You Out

Beauty is pain.

1. Ambergris (aka sperm whale intestinal goo): to stabilize perfumes and pharmaceuticals.

No one has seen whales excrete ambergris, but most scientists assume it's from their (ahem) back end. You'll never look at a bottle of Chanel No. 5 the same way.

2. X-Rays: to treat "superfluous hair."

3. Lead: for smoother and paler skin.

4. Kohl (aka more lead): as eyeliner

5. Arsenic: to clear complexion and increase paleness.

6. Camel pee: to get shiny hair.

7. Mercury: to cure blemishes.

8. Deadly Nightshade (aka belladonna): to dilate pupils and brighten eyes.

9. Radium: to cure wrinkles.

10. Lard: to hold elaborate 18th century updos in place. For weeks.

11. Crocodile poop: to keep looking fresh.

12. Cyanide: to dye hair black.

13. Cocaine: to ease the pain of beauty procedures.

14. Mouse skin: as fake eyebrows.

15. Paraffin: to make hair grow.

16. Rat poison: to remove unwanted hair

17. Urine: to freshen breath and whiten teeth.

18. Dimple machine: to do exactly what it says.

19. Orange juice: to brighten and clear eyes.

20. Charcoal: to freshen breath.

21. Sandpaper: to remove hair.

Of course, all of these make some more recent beauty fads seem less extreme.