Man Buns: A Chronological Hairstory

    It's a bun-derful life.

    6th-7th Century BCE and beyond—Buddha

    3rd Century BCE—Terra Cotta Warriors

    1070s—Bayeux Tapestry Figures

    1789—Maximilien Robespierre

    1825—Prince Okundaira

    1970s—George Harrison

    1975—Riff Raff (The Rocky Horror Picture Show

    1975-1979—Samurai Futaba (Saturday Night Live)

    1992—Dracula (Bram Stoker's Dracula)

    1994—Lestat de Lioncourt and Louis de Pointe du Lac (Interview with the Vampire)

    1998—Li Shang (Mulan)

    2001-2004—Samurai Jack (Samurai Jack)

    2003—David Beckham

    May 2010—Ivan Vanko (Iron Man 2)

    2011—Tom Brady

    April 2012—Chris Hemsworth

    February 2013—Colin Farrell

    Octorber 2013—Jake Gyllenhaal

    January 2014—Jared Leto

    July 2014—Leonardo DiCaprio

    August 2014—Kit Harington

    September 2014—Harry Styles