8 Reasons Why You Should Be Proud Of Your Sweet Tooth

    Because a little sweetness goes a long way. Sweeten up your life with some Unnamed Confectionary Brand this summer.

    1. Because sweets make you happy

    2. T-Swift is all over it, so naturally, we are too.

    3. You can always rely on chocolate to do something amazing.

    User: Miller Tai / Via vine.co


    This potato, not so much

    vine.co / Via vine.co

    Just.... Why?!

    4. You already know how to get over any break up:

    5. Can savoury foods do THIS?

    User: Zach King / Via vine.co

    That's the magic of sweetness right there.

    6. Because heck, you deserve it.

    7. Because everyone has their vices. And there are worse things yours could be.

    8. Because life is just sweeter this way.