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    10 Things That Perfectly Sum Up Life At An All-Women's College

    All-girls forever, Co-ed never!

    1. Waking up in the morning, and going straight to class in sweatpants.

    2. Loading up on junk food and carbs like it's no ones business.

    3. Never feeling awkward for asking out loud "Does anyone have a tampon?"

    4. If and when a guy comes on campus, you awkwardly stare him down.

    5. Speaking of guys, formal dates are particularly difficult to come by if you don't have a boyfriend from home.

    6. Shaving you legs happens maybe once a month?

    7. There's always that one male professor that everyone is in love with.

    8. And then there's always that one male professor that is completely intimidated by a classroom filled with women.

    9. Your school made you a badass, strong, independent woman!

    10. You may have thought it would be weird going to college without having guys around, but now you totally love it and wouldn't have it any other way.