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    16 "Arrested Development" GIFs That Perfectly Sum Up Finals

    Will you be the next employee at the banana stand?

    1. When the professor says the final is cumulative.

    2. When people ask you how you think you'll do.

    3. After a long day of studying.

    4. When you're really not in the mood to deal with anyone.

    5. When you really don't want to get up and study.

    6. When you're the only one in the study group who just isn't getting it.

    7. When you tell your parents about everything you're studying.

    8. When you've pulled an all-nighter and still don't know anything.

    9. When someone says there's something on the exam that you didn't study for.

    10. When you're trying to cram hours before the final.

    11. When you get to the exam and think to yourself...

    12. When you know nothing and are half-heartedly combing through the questions.

    13. When you studied really hard but it didn't go so well.

    14. When you leave the exam and compare answers with your classmates.

    15. When everyone is finished with finals except for you.

    16. When you're finally done finals.

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