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    Did It Hurt When You Fell From Heaven?

    A short piece on men and the art of speaking to a woman. Simple and to the point.

    For years, men have strived for many things like power, money, and position. However, there is one thing that has constantly eluded my species and that is the love and affection of a woman. Society has built a wall between men and women and it is the job of the male to tear it down. What is this wall you may ask? I find it humorous that the thing that actually keeps the average male from approaching a woman is nothing more than a joke that has somehow become the norm for attracting a female mate. I am of course speaking of the ever changing and always creative "Pick-up line." I have watched men sweat and stutter over the right thing to say to a woman. Now don't worry, I am not speaking about all men. I know there are some of you out there that can talk your way into just about any woman's heart. The men that I speak of in this next few paragraphs are the ones that just have a hard time approaching women. So if that is you, listen up, you just might learn something.

    How many times have you been at a bar or club, and saw that girl. You know who I am talking about. You look at her and it's just all there. The outfit, the hair, the make-up, the smile, the body, she is just rocking it. The best part is she is alone. Then, you try and talk to her and its ends up like a bad Eminem song with some spaghetti and a sweater. Why? Why do we get nervous? Why do we pace and rub our palms? Well it is for a good reason; no one wants to be rejected. No one wants to be shot down and have to walk away with our tail between our legs because some self-righteous hottie puts us in our place, this girl who laughs at your icebreaker and giggles away our smooth lines, sending us off to sulk at a corner table. What if I told you that you have been doing it all wrong?

    Now, I do not claim to be an expert. I am not a doctor, psychologist, or a scientist. The knowledge and facts that I am going to present to you are from my own personal experience and through research conducted with about 50 females that I spoke with personally. What if the one big obstacle that men are afraid of isn't even a necessity? What if you don't need a pick up line? What if you don't have to go up there and give your A-game and impress her? Maybe, just maybe, she wants to be talked to like a person.

    Ladies am I wrong? How many times have you been kicking it with your girls and some dude rolls up trying to spit some sugar sweetness or smooth game in your face and it just ruins the whole mood. It doesn't matter if he is down home polite or street smart, it's just a turn off. Now I do know you woman appreciate confidence and even a bad pick up line delivered with the right tone and confidence can get a genuine laugh out of just about anyone. However, it's hit or miss and you also can't guarantee that the line a man may come up with has anything to do with the kind of guy he really is.

    Gentleman, here is the point. It's a tough world out there and women (no offense my darlings) are getting more brutal and more critical. This isn't about impressing women anymore. It's not about the clothes and the cars. Yeah, all that stuff is a plus but nowadays, women want a guy that can talk. They want real conversation not "Netflix and chill." So instead of trying to spin some sweet line of love, just talk to the girl. Seriously, just talk about anything. For lack of a better way to say it, touch her brain not her butt.