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    21 Reasons Erin Brockovich Kicks Ass At Being A Modern Day Wonderwoman

    We all know how Erin Brockovich took down a major company and saved the lives of many, but her heroine acts makes her more than just a normal helping woman, she is a modern day WONDERWOMAN.

    1. Erin WILL NOT let any one talk down upon her

    2. She has an opinion... and it usually is not a good one

    3. She knows she has one very special power... Boobs

    Still using her special power...

    STILL using her special power...

    4. She does not care what anyone says or thinks about her

    5. She is not very good at relationships and men, but she tries

    6. And of course, she likes the bad boys

    7. She will take extreme measures to help herself and whatever situation she gets into

    8. She is very independent

    9. Erin is not afraid of anything... well maybe some things

    10. She wants people to know who she is and that she is fighting for a cause

    11. She loves her family

    12. She does not like to be distracted

    13. Even trying to save Hinkley, Wonderwoman still needs to make a living

    14. Her determination is constantly growing

    15. Erin dedicates her life and time for these families and saves the lives of hundreds