20 Photos Of Animals Looking Cute As Hell In Wigs

    Because why not?

    Watch the video to see these adorable pets rock their new 'dos and then scroll down to see their finished photos:

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    BuzzFeedVideo / Via youtube.com

    1. TOO CUTE.

    2. Lookin' good.

    3. Awwwww!


    5. I can't even.


    6. Cheeeeeeese!

    7. Work it, girl!

    8. Oh haaay!

    9. Those eyes! <3

    10. Just clownin' around.

    Otis and Empanada

    11. Enough with the cute!

    12. Can't. Even. Deal.

    13. Ready for that close-up!

    14. So suave.

    15. All the glam!

    16. Must. Hug. Them.

    17. Really...all the hugs.

    18. Girl, same.

    19. Cute-splosion!

    20. Did someone say bacon???