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    12 Types Of Attendees You're Sure To Come Across This Adelaide Fringe Season

    Crossed fingers you don't run into the "Fringe Snob".

    1. The First Date Couple.

    2. The Uptight, Middle Class Family (that accidentally ends up attending a show that's way raunchier than they thought it would be).

    3. The "I Know The Artist" Groupie.

    4. The Fringe Snob.

    5. The Supportive Friend.

    6. The Adelaide Arts Warrior.

    7. The Fake Artist.

    8. The Carnies.

    9. The Cool And Quirky Older Couple.

    10. The European Backpacker.

    11. The Audience Member Just Begging To Go On Stage.

    12. The Unwilling Participant.