Wow I Just Realized There's Nothing More Soothing In The World Than Guy Fieri's Freshly Bleached Hair



    I know I'm not alone here when I say Guy Fieri is one of my personal heroes.

    But it wasn't until literally this morning, when I was doing my daily Googling of Guy Fieri looking happy, that I realized that Guy Fieri with freshly bleached hair releases a calm over me that is almost unexplainable. However, I will try to explain it right here and now.

    Hey, let's be honest. Sometimes Guy Fieri's roots are showing. No judgement! Not everyone has time to go to the salon every day for touchups!! Ain't no thang!

    But other times, his head is a freshly baked ball of bleach.

    And for some reason, the almost indiscernible line between the top of his head and the start of his hair rushes in a wave of tranquility over my being.

    What is that feeling coming over me????

    Friends, it is peace. Inner peace.

    Wondering why all these people look like they just took some anti-anxiety medicine and are on cloud nine?

    It's because this head of hair is radiating with what can only be described as Guy Fieri SSRIs.

    Once upon a time I even got to stand next to that newly peroxided hair. This is not a brag, but just proof that 1) anything is possible 2) literally since this photo was taken my therapist says that I have seemed lighter, happier, and more serene.

    Obviously this is because of how close I was to the invisible soothing properties emanating from his head. Unfortunately, it took me until now to realize this.

    Anywhoooooo. I hope this brings you the stillness it has brought me today.
