What The Fuckitty Fuck, They Discontinued Molly McIntire The Best American Girl Doll

    NOT OK.

    Today I was thinking about my youth, as I do often because ~those were the days~. While doing this, of course there was one thing I thought about most: American Girl Dolls.

    The American Girl dolls were a staple of my childhood. But only when my rich grandma bought them for me. That shit's expensive. But either way, I LOVED THEM.

    Specifically, Molly McIntire, my favorite doll.

    Molly was everything to me. EVERYTHING I SAY. So today when I was browsing the American Girl Doll website to see what Molly is up to, I was shakeneth to my coreth when I realized that MOLLY WAS RETIRED THREE WHOLE YEARS AGO.

    And now we've just got a bunch of whosits in her place!!!!

    Kirsten the prairie girl was also retired, but who cares about her anyway.

    This is about MOLLY. Molly Jean McIntire. And how I'm FLIPPING OUT that she is no longer in production. I'm sorry, but 20 years later and all of a sudden she's no longer being made?!?!?!??! Let me tell you why this is wrong.

    First of all, Molly was adorable, and humble! She was grounded. A totally normal girl!

    And her accessories were great. She wore a beret. Chic!

    AND glasses. She was the only AGD to wear glasses!!!!! She brought representation to the visually impaired.

    Also, all her outits were cute but not too fancy.

    Like, her red striped pajamas were classic and seemed comfortable.

    And her robe was loungey af!

    Her rain gear was accessible and relatable!

    Plus her camping outfit was understated and cute, and she was ahead of the neck bandana trend!

    Basically everything of Molly's was perfect.

    Her little school bag filled with books and study materials!Even though she hated math, she still tried!

    Her desk.

    Her bed!!


    Molly was modest and lovable. She was also a schemer — which I love — and she hates turnips. So now I will ask again, WHY THE HELL WAS SHE RETIRED????

    Molly was an icon. And the truth is, it's bullshit that she's gone forever. The children of today have been stripped of their chance to have Molly as their best friend, and I am upset!

    So anyway, Molly, I will never stop thinking about you. And I promise I will avenge you. Love you bb. Bye.