This Interview With Jennifer Lawrence Is The Most Jennifer Lawrence Thing To Happen

    So much JLaw goodness.

    In a ~campfire~ interview with MTV, Jennifer Lawrence, Liam Hemsworth, and Josh Hutcherson gather round the fire to talk about stuff. But really Jennifer Lawrence did most of the talking and, simply put, it's the best display of JLaw-ness to exist.

    First of all, she made a joke about finger-banging Liam Hemsworth's mom.

    She re-enacted a date she went on where she slurped an Icee, and it resulted in this face and these noises:

    She made an incredibly impressive "That's what she said" joke.

    And then stuffed 10 marshmallows in her mouth.

    And then, just as we all do, wondered to herself why she was single.

    Honestly, it's a mystery. I will date you 100x times over, Jen.

    Finally, just for good measure, here are a few stills that I feel are important for you to have in your life:

    Here's the whole thing. Watch, enjoy, and let it all seep in.

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