Saint West Is Already Just Like His Dad (You Know, Kanye)

    The apple doesn't fall far from the tree (but in a cute way).

    This is the insanely cute Saint West. Son of Kimye. Brother of North. Heir to the Royal Thrown of selfies and stuff. And when I say cute I mean, ohmygod he's almost unbearably adorable. Turns out he's also exactly like his dad ALREADY. Please watch:

    As you can see, lil' baby Saint is giggling and smiling. That is until he notices something... THE CAMERA.

    And then things change. Saint just stops giggling and smiling.

    If it looks familiar it's because THAT IS KANYE'S SIGNATURE MOVE.

    For real.

    He literally does it all the time.

    In conclusion: like father like son.

    And let's just watch it one more time because I can't get over it:

    All hail Saint West. Bye!