22 Reasons I Miss You Already, Brodie

    For my dog.

    1. Dear Brodie, 16.5 years ago we met you, and today, we lost you.

    2. You were our first family dog. At first sight, you jumped all over me, literally pulling out some of my hair. You were hyper and out of control, but so playful, loving, and adorable. It had to be you!!!!!

    3. I *know* that you were once tiny, but I can barely remember that now. The proof is in Alex's scrapbook, though.

    4. Remember the first week when Dad tried to call you Bo? It didn't really fit. You were meant to be a Brodie. Sorry, Dad.

    5. Those first few months were hard. You hated the crate, mom was up with you a dozen times a night, and you would always pee on the carpet right by the TV.

    6. But in a million other ways, you were perfect. Our Brodie boy.

    7. My instant best friend.

    8. "Obsessed" is an understatement.

    9. You really tolerated a lot from us, and for that, I thank you.

    10. For 16.5 years, you let us bother you while you were resting just so we could put hats on you.

    11. And dress you in shirts.

    12. And I can't even imagine the amount of times I've said "hi" to you just because you were sitting right there. Maybe a billion, I lost count.

    13. Each haircut you got was a roller coaster!

    14. Obviously, I always preferred it long.

    15. And every time you did "paw," it was as if you'd just won a gold medal at the Olympics. Then Eric taught you how to roll over and you nailed it every time. Genius? Yes I think so.

    16. Each nap you took was precious.

    17. Every Snapchat filter was hilarious.

    18. Every leg cross more regal than the last.

    19. And there was that one time you ate a Monopoly house, and each walk we took together, I sifted through your poop to see if you had shat it out. Then finally, you passed it and I couldn't have been prouder of you. You pooped out a house!!!!

    20. I can try, but I know it's impossible to sum up the love we have for you, and that you gave us almost 17 years. Yes, FaceTiming with Mom and Dad in college was important, but it was always you we wanted to see.

    21. And while we knew this day would come, it doesn't make it easy. You weren't just a dog. You were the sixth member of our family, and we miss you already.

    22. I love you, Brodie!!!!!!!!