Proto Zoa Is Still Hot

    Zedus Lapedus.

    Remember Proto Zoa?

    The first rock star to perform in space?

    And also the original Guy Fieri.

    Well, ladies and yentlemen, he's 40 years old now, and let me tell you this: HE'S STILL GOT IT.

    He's ditched the flashy metallic clothes and spiked hair, but this will do just fine.

    FACT: Once he was on an episode of Bones.

    🎶 Zoom, zoom, zoom. Make my heart go boom boom.🎶

    And also, he's on Twitter. Kirsten Storms (Zenon herself) gave him a shout-out.

    Just my normal/random reminder that #ProtoZoa is on Twitter ya'll... Follow him: @PhillipRhys