• Tokyo Olympics badge

I've Decided Tom Daley Should Probably Also Get A Gold Medal For Knitting

Olympics but make it for knitting.

Okay, this is cute. British Olympic diver Tom Daley has been knitting to keep busy while watching his teammates compete in the Olympics.

He's like a lil' knittin' guy.

Tom knitting in the stands as he looks at the diving pool

And it turns out, he's REALLY GOOD AT KNITTING.

One of the things he was knitting at the Olympics was a dog outfit like these:

But he also can make actual human clothes. Like, he made this cardigan for his husband!!!

And this sweater for himself:

He made this small couch.

He made this tiny rudolph sweater for his kid.

And this dress for his friend.

He also made this piece:

And this crochet vest which is like mesh but knitted.

He does stuffed animals too. Which seems hard.

And this little pouch for his gold medal. ADORABLE.

Maybe one of my favorite things is this swimsuit he made.


Somehow he is a gold-medal-winning Olympian and also extremely good at knitting. I've never felt less accomplished in my life.