I Know I Should Hate Them, But I Also Must Admit I'm Obsessed With Marla And Fran In "I Care A Lot"

    Spoilers, sorry, but I had to.

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    If you watched I Care a Lot on Netflix, then you know who these two people are.

    Eiza González in sunglasses as Fran posing with Rosamund Pike, also in sunglasses, as Marla

    They are bad people, that's for sure. But they are also a very cute lesbian couple, and for that reason, I must stan Marla and Fran, the Bonnie and Clyde of my heart.

    Look, I know they are horrendous and do not deserve anything good. HOWEVER, as I said...I love love, and they are in love, so I must ignore their wrongdoings.

    my mentions lmao i know marla & fran did some messed up shit BUT they were hot and gay while doing it so why should i care

    Twitter: @lenaluhthorx

    I honestly was torn the whole movie. On one hand...no good people! On the other hand, I wanted what they have.

    ok ok i know but marla and fran are relationship goals

    Twitter: @canesejarboe
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    They are objectively a perfect couple.

    Marla and Fran kissing

    The things I'd do for them!

    me dressing up as a grandma so marla and fran can manipulate me

    Twitter: @srrybabyx

    Even though I desperately wanted them to get caught, I also wanted them to live happily ever after.

    fran and marla calling each other baby all the time

    Twitter: @brieIcrson

    I want a prequel just about them. Or a TV show. OR ANYTHING. I JUST NEED MORE MARLA AND FRAN.

    marla and fran spin off about how they met and they’re enemies to lovers

    Twitter: @hauntedamie

    Like, the tender nose nuzzle. Are you kiddin' me???

    And the forehead kiss! MARLA STOP, UR KILLIN' ME!

    In conclusion:

    me vs forgiving everything marla and fran do from the moment the phrase "god, i love your ass" was said

    Twitter: @vampiresapphic


    Marla and Fran posing confidently on some chairs


    Rosumund Pike palming Eiza González's right breast as they pose for a photograph
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