I Didn't Know Until Just Now That These Two "Game Of Thrones" Actors Were Related In Real Life

    Pod and Rod <3.

    I know Game Of Thrones is literally done and I need to move on, but in my heart it will never end. And turns out that I am still learning new things about the show every day, soooo actually why would I move on? I wouldn't and I won't!

    ANYWAY...the new thing I learned today is that these two guys are related in real life.

    Yes, the honorable Ser Rodrik, who had a funny sideburn + beard situation and was loyal to House Stark...

    ...Is Podrick's DAD IN REAL LIFE!!!

    Daniel Portman (who birthname is Daniel Porter) and Ron Donachie (whose real name is Ron Porter) are father and son.

    And they were both on Game Of Thrones and their characters were completely unrelated but had names that rhymed (Podrick and Rodrik).

    Pod's IRL dad's character was killed in season 2 by Theon...remember this episode? Hurts to watch now:

    View this video on YouTube


    But our little Podrick lasted all the way to the end and became a knight.

    Basically Game Of Thrones is a family affair and I love it.

    That's all!! Ciao!

    H/T reddit!