How To Be As Cool As Taylor Swift's Cat

    A handy guide for those days when you wanna just cuddle up into a ball and be carried around by Taylor Swift.

    Step 1: Walk out of your owner's apartment like you fucking own the place. Look around for any cat lurkers (you don't want to associate with them).

    Step 2: Look at the ground and maintain your air of mystery. Make them guess about you. Who are you? What do you like? What makes you tick??

    Step 3: Make eyes with the camera. This is your time. Everyone is watching you.

    Step 4: Yes. Give the people what they want.

    Step 5: Hold your stare. DO NOT WAVER.

    Step 6: I SAID DO NOT WAVER. Good. You are doing it.

    Step 6: Turn your head. Let all those other cats wish they were you.

    Step 7: Just sit on Taylor's arm and don't worry about anything in your life because you have nothing to worry about.

    Step 8: Continue on your path to the vet or wherever you are going and remember that your life is perfect and you are the quiche-est cat in New York City.