Everyone Needs To See A Shirtless Zac Efron Swinging From A Rope

    Come one, come all, this is all for you.

    Dear people of this planet: I want to share with you something that Zac Efron uploaded to his Instagram. It's this photo. No, it's this piece of art.

    (Of which Zac was a fan of, by the way)

    But guess what. There wasn't just that one photo. THERE ARE MORE.

    That's right. There are lots of photos of an insanely muscular Zac Efron swinging from a rope (shirtless, obviously).

    In them he's basically exactly like Tarzan, but with frosted tips.

    As a lesfronsexual* I officially APPROVE THESE IMAGES.

    To be honest, if these pictures don't make you feel something — anything — then you are on the wrong side of history.

    Zac is literally flying through the air on a rope and his butt is kinda showing.

    And so are all those muscles that apparently exist in the back???

    Basically Zarzan (Zac + Tarzan) is why ropes were invented!!

    You know, so that one day these pictures would be taken.

    Here are a couple more of all this stuff happening. You know, for good measure.




    Ok, well, that's all! Have a great week! And don't be ashamed to keep this post open in your tabs for when you need a quick pick-me-up!


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