Colton Haynes Live-Tweeted A Random Couple's Terrible First Date

    Thanks for being on top of this Colton.

    Extremely good-looking actor Colton Haynes found himself sitting next to a couple on their first date. So naturally, he decided to share the experience with all.

    Meet "Dan" and Tracey, and enjoy their awkward time together.

    I am sitting next to the a couple on their 1st date who met online and it's a conversation I have to live tweet about right now. Stay tuned

    He's currently explaining to her the amount of women he's hooked up with after the first's a lot

    She keeps tossing her hair...I honestly think she's into it. They r now discussing name pronunciation...I have to secretly film this

    She needs to speak multiple ppl are trying to listen. I'm alone so I guess they have a one up on me but this needs to be documented

    HE JUST CALLED HER THE WRONG NAME!!! After 30 mins of their date, he called her Terry...her name is Tracey

    Awkward silence followed by a bathroom break on his part...I can't get a read on Tracey yet

    Thk god he just peed...he's back. Cue Tracey leaving to the bathroom. Might I add, she didn't check her phone once, he just got on his

    Let's just name him Dan...he looks like a Dan. I am now staying at dinner to see if his horrible lines work...why am I so invested?

    Dan has a mullet...and a beard...2 things that could be love blinding Tracey...hurry the hell up Tracey, Jesus, the audience is waiting...

    O shit...Dan is a director...should I make my presence known? #GodIhopeIgetIt

    Seriously Tracey...seriously???!!! Why u gotta make this hard on me,speak up and NEVER lean in when Dan goes for the "arm around chair" move

    They r currently talkin about their current/past relationships and I'm now getting sad that I'm putting this on display...ok not anymore

    Dan just said "There's a girl here that I call my cousin...but she's not my cousin, she's my ex girlfriend." I'm dying laughing

    U guys...I am now sweatin laughing. I'm a terrible person but he just said he dated his second cousin once. I SWEAR ON MY LIFE HE SAID THAT

    Someone needs to turn Tracey's imaginary mic up cause Dan is bout to be the breakout star of this twitter show...

    1. Tracey is prob gonna go home wit "Dan" 2. Ladies...don't go home with guys like "Dan" 3. Live tweet 1st dates without ppl knowin.

    Dan just said "my feet hurt all the time"...TRACEY ASKED FOR THE CHECK!!! Hell yes Tracey!

    Can I get a moment of silence to see how's this is gonna end...................shhhhh

    No joke, I just followed them out (without paying yet) and Tracey just peaced out!!! Tracey-1, Dan-0!!!! Note to self: Do this more often...

    Note to self: Consider online dating just to teach ppl how to date...wait...IM LIKE THE HITCH OF ONLINE DATING!!! Sell that @GBerlanti

    Sorry Tracey and "Dan" but I just had to get that on record. Im payin my bill now with a smile on my face. Thk you!

    Please continue to stumble upon strangers having crappy dates, Colton.

    h/t: Just Jared.