A Day In The Life Of You And Your Tamagotchi

    You weren't living until you had one of these.

    You woke up and checked your Tamagotchi. Rise and shine little guy!

    He was hungry. It was time for the first meal of the day.

    And then poop #1.

    On the bus ride to school you got to spend some quality time with your tiny friend.

    Mostly he just bobbed around on the screen.

    But bobbing is tiring! So it took a nap while you were in class.

    Oh cool, your Tamagotchi pooped again while you were in history, and then it hated you.

    But you cleaned it up, and he took a shower...

    So it was happy again!

    And then it just looked at you with it's tiny little eyes.

    So you fed it...

    ...and it EVOLVED and grew that beak thing!

    And then you guys had to play some games together so that it got exercise and stayed fit.

    OH DARN. The teacher saw you and told you to put it away or she'll confiscate it.

    After class you checked on it, it had pooped again .


    And then...IT DIED.

    Off to Tamagotchi heaven it went.

    And then all you could do is reset it and start again.

    And wait for your next friend to hatch.

    The End.